
Showing posts from August, 2022

Emily Dickerson Poems

  Today in class we analyze some more Emily Dickerson poems. The first poem was expressing the steps and meaning of what it is to get over someone when fallen out of love. The second poem was about what it means to succeed and what it means to succeed after failing and as you can see a connection was made to this poem. My connection was explaining time I had a setback during my basketball season and came back that next season so much better.

Im Nobody Who Are You & I Felt a Funeral in my Brain

  What we learned about in class today was about Emily Dickerson and we analyzed her poems. We also talked about what the social norms are in the world and defined the term normal. Also broke down the poems to help understand the purpose and/ or meaning by defying the other term different. To conclude our class we then figured out the 2 themes for each poem and that was the first analyzation of Emily Dickersons poems.

Bell Ringer Aug 29,2022

 I think that the probability of life outside of earth is very high. I say around like 99.9999% chance that there is another life form out there. My reaction to seeing the earth from mars was just like wow. We look like just another star, just a little dot. When hearing the black hole it surprised me honestly I was told that space had no sound and a black hole would appear and you wouldn’t know unless you seen it. Now that hearing the sound it make it makes the black hole much more scary. All of this information just shows that the technology that we have now could be nothing compared to these other life forms out there and we could be really outdated. 

Character Story

 Twelve Sentence Story 

The Purpose of Life

 The purpose of life is different for every single person in the world, some believe that the meaning is to just work until you die, some believe that you have to worship and praise god, some believe that the meaning is to be famous and wealthy. But for me personally, I have multiple meanings of what life is. I am a believer in god and he says to spread the gospel and live life with no fear. But some other part of me is leading me down my athletic path. My heart is with the Lord and my brain is telling me to hoop. But around the age of 12-13 my parents and my grandparents truly broke it down to me on what being a christian athlete is. Since then I figured out an way to praise god and still give buckets on the court. 

The Negro Speaks of Rivers

 Today I learned that roots is very important piece of you life that you need to understand and know. This poem helped me understand the long history of race just from these couple of stanzas. With a deep dig from the first line you get to understand the out of Africa history and the also ties to your roots. That today is what I learned from this lesson.


 My name is Zack. I am 16 years old and from Denver Co. My hobbies are playing basketball and just chilling and watching tv. My goal in life is to be a professional basketball player and be real successful. I play the point guard position and always embraces a new challenge. My goals for this school year is to strive academically. I want to make honor roll again and have A’s and B’s in all classes. For the most important part I want to build my career by attracting scouts and other colleges for my talent on the court and my academic skills off the court.