
Showing posts from October, 2022

Class Topic

 In class today we started to read the book The Color Purple by Alice Walker. This book is consulting of girls having going through developmental problems within their family. As we begun to read we took notes as well.

Class Topic

 In class today we read and went over the story “The life you save may be your own”. This story was about a girl with a disability and her mother and another man that also has a disability. We read and wrote some critical questions and some characteristics about the characters. To end the class we did a vocabulary test about the words we had learned last week.

Class Topic

 In class today we worked on our vocabulary. We wrote down the words and defined them. Then we also answered the questions that matched the words. That was all we did in class.

Class Topic

 In class today we read the article “If dress code doesn’t suit tees, school district will” This article was about students being able to express themselves and not be punished. After we read that we constructed another paragraph and took a side in the argument about the article.

Class Topic

 What we did in class today was go through the steps of an argumentative essay. We also talked about some aspects that people strive for perfection in their personal lives or their professional lives. Then to end the class we talked about the structure of a argumentative essay and we constructed one of our selfs about the player Kobe Bryant.

Class Topic

 In class today we read the other side of the newspaper article. We read, discussed, and answered a few questions. At the end of class we started working on our vocab and answered a few questions about that. That is what we did in class today.

Class Topic

 In class today we read the news paper article “Teens are in no rush to drive” This article was talking about yow teens use social media and online gaming to communicate with friends and driving is not as important as it was before. To end the class we discussed and answered 5 questions and talked about related events to the article.

Class Topic

 In class today we took our Benchmark 2. We only went up to question 12 as for tomorrow we are going to finish the rest of the questions. The total amount of questions on the test is 20 so only 8 questions to do.

Class Topic

 In class today we read and analyzed the poem Birches by Robert Frost. We took notes on the poem and defined different meaning of the word heaven. To finish off the class we answered 5 question about the what we read in the poem 

Class Topic

 In class today we read and reviewed the poem “Out Out” by Robert Frost. This poem was about a boy accidentally sawing off his hand doing a job that a boy his age should not be doing. As we finished poem we answer 3 questions to sum up the poem and that was the end of class.

Class Topic

 In class today we wrote our second poem. Our second poem was about advice that you have received. My poem is called Momma’s, it is about the advice and the conversations I had with my mom and grandmas.  This poem was about my dream and how I cam to fall in love with it.

Class Topic

 In class today we went over another poem by Langston Hughes. This poem was called Dream Deferred. As we analyzed this poem we were asked a few amount of questions and we answered them. One of the questions being what is you dream. Now this question led up to us writing a poem about what our dreams were. That is what we did in class today.

Class Topic

     In class today we read some poems by Langston Hughes. We analyzed them, found themes and answered questions. On top of that the bell ringer was about advice that we have gotgon from our mother figures.